The BIG, commerce Podcast

The importance of backing up your ecommerce platform's data, with Jerry Meron from Rewind

March 21, 2023 Calashock

The importance of backing up your ecommerce platform's data, with Jerry Meron from Rewind

On the latest episode of the BIG, commerce podcast, Luigi welcomes Jerry Meron, from data backup and recovery platform Rewind.

Jerry and Luigi delve into the significance of backing up your SaaS ecommerce data, sharing valuable insights and tips for merchants to ensure they have a reliable backup system in place, and some real-life examples of merchants losing data.

Companies can sometimes wrongly assume their SaaS providers keep backups of order, customer and product data, and it is solutions such as Rewind that ensure merchants can get back online quickly and easily should disaster strike.

To learn more about Rewind visit

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